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Desktop app - troubleshooting

Here we've gathered a few tips that might help to solve some problems with the desktop app. If you enabled all settings correctly but the desktop app wouldn't record websites' names or if you can't run the application on the latest Ubuntu, please check the instructions below.

If these instructions don't help please extract log files from the timecamp folder on your computer and send them here describing the issue you're facing with the desktop app.

Desktop app doesn't record websites names on macOS

If you installed a desktop app on your macOS and enabled the option of tracking computer activities and recording names of visited websites and applications, but you can only see the name of the browser in your Activities report, please follow the instructions below:

1. Go to the System Settings

2. Find Privacy & Security settings

3. Next open Accessibility and make sure that TimeCamp is turned on here

4. Go back to Privacy & Security and open the Automation option

5. Make sure that the checkbox is marked next to the browser under the TimeCamp app

Desktop app doesn't capture screenshots on macOS

If you installed a desktop app on your macOS and enabled the option of capturing screenshots, but the Screenshots report for your account shows an empty dashboard, please follow the instructions below:

1. Go to the System Settings

2. Find Privacy & Security settings

3. Next open Screen Recording and make sure that TimeCamp is turned on here

Desktop app doesn't work after installation on Ubuntu 22.04

If you installed a desktop app on the latest Ubuntu version but the application is not running please follow the instructions below:

1. Download these libraries:






You can download the files from here: https://github.com/byt3bl33d3r/pth-toolkit/tree/master/lib

2. Please copy the downloaded files to the folder: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Desktop app doesn't work on Linux Fedora

If you try to install a desktop app on your computer with the Linux Fedora system but receive an error message ./timecamp.AppImage: symbol lookup error: /lib64/libgio-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_module_open_full please follow the instructions below:

1. Extract the AppImage files created with linuxdeploy

2. Remove the libgmodule library

3. Repack with appimagetool

./my_file.AppImage --appimage-extract

rm -rf squashfs-root/lib/libgmodule*

appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage -v squashfs-root

rm -rf squashfs-root/