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Reports Basics

The TimeCamp Reporting module allows you to generate summaries from data gathered in our system. We prepared multiple types of reports and filters which should help to get all the information you need.

Time reports

Time reports will help you to get the most accurate, summarized, and detailed information about time tracked on all your projects. There are 4 types of time reports.

People reports

People reports are all about your coworkers. They allow you to see the reflection of their work depending on the type of chosen report and applied filters. 

Finance reports

Finance reports will help you to compare your tracked time with a budget and assigned billing rates. Each report can be exported or added to the Periodical emails if your subscription plan contains these features.

Real-time dashboard

The real-time dashboard allows supervise your staff activity in real time. This report includes 4 different parts

Location report

The location report will appear only after the GPS feature is enabled in account settings. Location is tracked only if the user tracks time with a mobile app and a timer for a task is running.

Summary  New

It is an updated view of the Summary report which allows checking the total time tracked on tasks and projects.

Detailed  New

It is an updated view of the Detailed report which allows listing all time entries within a selected period. Some new functionalities allow not only to view the list of added time but also to edit time entries.