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Finance reports

Finance reports will help you to compare your tracked time with a budget and assigned billing rates

Each report can be exported or added to the Periodical emails if your subscription plan contains these features.

Finance reports are available only in Premium and Ultimate plans.

Only Administrators and users with additional time tracking permission can view all available finance reports. Users without permission “Can manage and see all invoices, rates” will have access only to “Billable, unbillable, invoiced” and “Estimates” reports.

Finance reports have additional columns showing the billing rates and the additional option “Mark as invoiced”. If you generate a report and mark time as invoiced it won’t be possible to create an invoice based on this time in the Invoicing module as time entries can be invoiced only once.

Once the time is marked as invoiced in the finance report it is not possible to undo this action.

Billable, unbillable, invoiced

This type of report allows comparing the amount of total, billable and unbillable time you’ve tracked on tasks, checking if these hours are invoiced, and viewing the value of tracked time

 The view of this report will be different for users with the additional permission “Can manage and see all invoices, rates”. Users without this permission won’t have access to the value of time which is based on predefined rates.

This report doesn’t have a User column so if you’re a Project Manager or Time Tracking Administrator and choose a few users from your Team in a People picker, the report will show the total time tracked by all users for a selected date range and projects

Report example of an Admin view:

Report example of a User view:



The Estimates report is based on a budget you’ve set for projects and tasks. It shows the amount of tracked time on tasks and the number of hours and fee that is left from the settled budget.

This report doesn’t have a User column so If you’re a Project Manager or Time Tracking Administrator and choose a few users from your Team in a People picker, the report will show the total time tracked by all users for a selected date range and projects.

The Tracked column shows time tracked on a task for the selected filters such as date range, people, tags, billable status, etc.

The Cumulative time tracked column shows the overall time tracked on a task.

The Left column shows the amount of budget left to use, subtracting the cumulative time tracked on a task.

The Budgeted column shows the total budget assigned to a task.

Example of an Estimates report of an Admin view:

Example of an Estimates report of a User view:


This type of report is based on revenue rates that are predefined in settings. You’ll be able to get information about the income of a certain employee and tasks they tracked time on. 

The report will contain columns referring to the tasks and projects they belong to, the rate per hour, and the total amount based on tracked time. 

The Revenue report is available only for Users and Administrators with a “Can manage and see all invoices, rates” permission.

 The last column of this report “Total amount” shows the total of all assigned revenue rates. So if you created 2 revenue rates or use both TimeCamp and QuickBooks revenue rates, this column will add all revenue rates that you have.

If your TimeCamp account is integrated with QuickBooks, the report will also show rates imported from QuickBooks.

Example of a Revenue report:


This type of report is based on cost rates that are predefined in settings. You’ll be able to get information about the cost of tracked time by a certain employee on a certain task.

The Cost report is available only for Users and Administrators with a “Can manage and see all invoices, rates” permission.

The report will contain columns referring to the tasks and projects they belong to, the rate per hour, and the total amount based on tracked time. 

The last column of this report “Total amount” shows the total amount of all assigned cost rates. So if you created 2 cost rates or using both TimeCamp and QuickBooks cost rates, this column will add all cost rates you have

If your TimeCamp account is integrated with QuickBooks, the report will also show rates imported from QuickBooks.

 Example of a Cost report:



The Margin type of report will allow you to compare the total revenue and total cost amounts. This report contains a task name, time tracked on tasks, total revenue and total cost of the task, and the margin (difference between revenue and cost).

The Margin report is available only for Users and Administrators with a “Can manage and see all invoices, rates” permission.

This report doesn’t have a User column so If you’re a Project Manager or Time Tracking Administrator and choose a few users from your Team in a People picker, the report will show the total time tracked by all users for a selected date range and projects

Example of a Margin report: