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Expenses - Basics

The Expenses feature is designed to help track, categorize, and manage your spending.  You can decide if expenses should be billable or not, assign them to specific projects and divide them into categories. Each category can have its own custom measure unit and price.

Expenses are available in the Ultimate plan. Billing and Time Tracking modules are required in order to use Expenses.

Enable Expenses

Only the Administrator of the account can enable the Expenses feature.

To enable the Expenses feature, click on your avatar in the upper-right corner and select the Account Settings option. Next, go to the Modules tab, find the Expenses module, and click on the switch button to enable Expenses. 

The Expenses section will be added to the left-side menu. If you decided not to use the Expenses module you can simply disable it in the Modules tab.


After the module is enabled you can set up Expenses Categories according to your organization's needs.

To open the Expenses settings and set up your account click on the "gear" icon next to Expenses.

The additional way to access settings is to click on your avatar in the upper-right corner and select the Account Settings option. You'll be redirected to the General tab where you can use the shortcut to get to the Expenses settings.

Here you can predefine Expenses categories that are required for adding expenses. Categories can be used by all users within the account.

To create a category click on the New Category button.

Next input a category name, pick a color and define if category should have a unit price.

If you enable the unit price you can input its price value and type the name of unit you measure (e.g. hour, mile, product, etc.)

Currency is automatically synced with the default account currency you set in the Billing settings.

Categories can be edited at any time. Simply hover a mouse on a specific category and click on the Edit button.

If you wish to remove a specific category from the list hover a mouse on it and click on the Archive button. This way category will be removed but all expenses assigned to this category still will be visible on the Expenses list.


Permissions in the Expenses section are based on account roles.

You can learn more about account roles from this article.

In TimeCamp we provide 4 account roles: 

  • Administrator
  • Supervisor
  • User 
  • Guest

Administrator - will have access to all expenses added by other Administrators, Supervisors and Users from the group they manage and its subgroups;

Supervisor - will have access to all expenses added by Users from the group they manage and its subgroups;

User - will have access only to expenses they added;

Guest - will be able only to view expenses that belong to projects they are assigned to;