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Approval period

The Approval period defines the frequency of sending timesheets for approval. TimeCamp allows choosing between daily and weekly periods.

The Approval period starts to count from the day/week you enabled this feature. If you'd like to upload previous days/weeks users need to manually submit their Timesheets for approval. 


The daily approval period allows you to submit and make any actions within just one day of the week. 

Users will have to submit each day separately. Supervisors and Administrators will have to check and approve each submitted day separately as well.

In the Timesheet Approvals settings, you can set automatic email reminders for users to submit their timesheets and define a certain time and day or simply choose the Every day option for such reminders.

In addition, the daily approval period allows enabling the automatic submission of each day and automatic approval of each day.

It means that if users forgot to submit the current day after they finished work this option will automatically submit their timesheet on the same day at a specific time previously defined in settings.

If Asminstrator or Supervisor forgot to approve users' timesheets the automatic approval setting will allow defining the number of days after submitting when timesheets should be set to the Approved status.


The weekly approval period allows you to submit an entire week with one click and you can approve, reject, and reopen the entire week with one click as well. It is a better solution for teams who fill and correct their timesheets at the end of the week.

It is not possible to change the day the week starts. The weekly period will be adjusted to your account settings and it will start on Monday or on Sunday depending on your settings.

In the Timesheet Approvals settings, you can set automatic email reminders for users to submit their timesheets and define a certain time and day for such reminders. For example, you can enable such reminders on Monday morning or Friday evening, so users will receive a notification about submitting their timesheets.

In addition, the weekly approval period allows for enabling the automatic approval option.

If Administrator or Supervisor forgot to approve users' timesheets the automatic approval setting will allow defining the number of days after submitting when timesheets should be set to the Approved status.

The automatic submission option is available only for a daily approval period. The weekly period contains only the automatic approval feature.