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Approvals - basics

Timesheet approvals is a module that allows administrators and supervisors to approve or reject timesheets submitted by their teams. Administrators can choose between daily and weekly modes of approving timesheets.

Once approved, the timesheet will become uneditable for users. Administrators can unlock approved timesheets at any time to allow users for applying changes.

Timesheet Approvals feature is available in the Ultimate plan.

Enable the Approvals feature

To start using the Timesheet approvals module you need to enable it in the Settings section. Click on your avatar in the upper-right corner and select the Account Settings option. Then navigate to the Modules tab, scroll through the page to find the Timesheet Approvals module, and click on the switch button to enable the Approvals. After the module is enabled click on its Settings.

Only the Administrators of the account can enable the Approvals modules.

The approval status does not affect time-tracking reports or invoicing possibilities.

Approvals setting

After the module is enabled you can set up the Timesheet Approvals feature according to your organization's needs.

Timesheet Approvals settings are global. It is not possible to set different settings per group.

To open the Approvals settings and set up your account click on the "gear" icon next to Timesheet Approvals.

The additional way to access settings is to click on your avatar in the upper-right corner and select the Account Settings option. You'll be redirected to the General tab where you can use the shortcut to get to the Timesheet Approvals settings.

Let's go through all of the available options:

  • Approval period - defines the frequency of sending timesheets for approval. You can choose between daily and weekly periods. Learn more
    Using the weekly approval period you submit an entire week with one click and you also approve, reject, and reopen with one click. It is best for teams who fill and correct their timesheets at the end of the week.
    The daily approval period allows you to submit and make any actions within just one day of the week.

  • Who can approve timesheets - defines who can approve or reject submitted timesheets. You can choose between Supervisors and Administrators for people who they manage and Time Tracking Administrators. Depending on your choice, people with such roles will be able to approve and reject timesheets for people they manage. Learn more

Keep in mind that Supervisors and Administrators can see and approve or reject timesheets submitted only by people from their group and its subgroups.

  • Do not show a task name if an approver does not have permission to it - if an approver is not assigned to a task, they won’t see its name in the submitted timesheet;

  • Automatically submit current day timesheet for approval at - choose the time at which timesheet will be automatically sent for approval (available only for a daily approval period);

  • Automatically approve submitted timesheets after (number of) days - choose the number of days after which timesheet will be automatically approved;

  • Enable limited hierarchical reporting structure - with this setting Supervisors will receive submitted timesheets only from Supervisors who are below them in the structure, not their entire teams

Email reminders

You can set automatic email reminders for users to submit their timesheets on a specific day of the week and selected time.

By default, all users need to submit their timesheets for approval. If you want to turn off this setting for specific people, navigate to the Users tab, click on the name of user to open their profile settings, and turn off Should send timesheets for approval. Learn more

In the Profile settings of each user, you can set email notifications for yourself for the Timesheet Approvals feature. There are 4 types of notifications:

  • Remind me to submit my timesheet for approval - users will receive email reminders informing them about submitting their timesheet for approval;

  • Alert when someone approves my timesheet - users will receive an email notification after their timesheet is approved by their approver;

  • Alert when someone reopens my timesheet  - users will receive an email notification after their timesheet is reopened by their approver;

  • Alert when someone submits a timesheet you should approve - Supervisors and Administrators will receive this notification when users who they manage submit timesheets for approval;

Each user has access to their profile settings. In addition, The Administrator of account can access the profile settings of each user from their team.