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Deleting and disabling users

There are 2 options for removing inactive users from the account. The first way is to entirely delete this user's account. And the second way is to disable such a user. Disabled users won't be counted into the license limit but all their tracked time will be visible in the reports.

To put it simply – if you wish to replace one user with another, you don’t need to delete the old user anymore and lose all gathered data. Simply set its status as ‘disabled user’ and you’ll free up an additional license which you can use to add a new user.

Only the Administrator of the account can delete or disable users.

Deleting or disabling users won't reduce the number of seats automatically. You still need to edit it manually in the Subscription menu.

Disabling users

This option is only available in Premium and Ultimate plans.

TimeCamp allows you to have an unlimited amount of disabled users.  Disabled users no longer have access to the account, they can’t track their time or see any reports, but all their data will be kept in the system. 

Disabled users are not counted in the license limit so when you disable a user you'll get an additional empty seat. You can invite a new user or reduce the number of seats in the Subscription menu.

To disable the user who is no longer a part of your team navigate to the Users section on the left side menu. Hover your mouse over their name and click the archive icon. 

The other way is to click on the user's name to open their profile settings where you can simply mark the checkbox next to the Disabled option and Save changes.

Disabled users will be greyed out on the list in the Users section.

Optionally you can decide if you prefer to hide disabled users from lists in reports or if they should be visible. If you wish to hide these users from the reports lists simply mark the checkbox next to the  Hide disabled users from lists in reports option in the Users section.

Deleting users

To delete a user who is no longer a part of your team navigate to the Users section on the left side menu. Hover your mouse over their name and click the trash icon.

Deleting a user permanently deletes all data recorded by that user - you will not be able to view their time in reports or timesheets.

After you delete a user you'll get an additional empty seat. You can invite a new user or reduce the number of seats in the Subscription menu.