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The Goals tab is located under the Computer Activities reports on the left side menu:

How to use the Goals report?

The goals section allows you to create goals and compare how much time you spent working on a computer and what type of application you were working on.

All users are allowed to create their goals.


To create a new goal click on the green button Add goal.

First, select what exactly you would like to measure. There are 4 options for time spent on: computer, category, productive and non-productive apps.

If you select a category an additional drop-down menu will appear to choose the category.

Next, decide if it should be less or more and input an hour's daily value

When finished click on the green Add goal button.

If some of the goals are out of date or you don’t need them anymore simply delete them with a trash icon.

To filter the data you can also set a date range and select users from the People picker.

Administrators and Supervisors are able to view registered activities for users they manage.