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Profile settings

Profile settings allow users to change their email address, password, screen mode, language, define email notifications and set time tracking reminders.

Each user has access to their profile settings. Simply navigate to your avatar in the right-upper corner and choose the Profile Settings option.

The Administrator of account can access the profile settings of each user from their team. Navigate to the Users module on the left side menu and click on the user's name to open their profile settings. 

Here users can change avatar, edit their full name, update email address, and change password.

The Administrator also can change passwords for users from their team.

Let's walk through other helpful options available in users' profile settings:

Profile picture - after hovering the mouse on the avatar icon click on the "Change your avatar option". You'll be redirected to the Gravatar website and asked to "Create a Gravatar". After uploading a picture it will be automatically synchronized with your TimeCamp account. It may take a few minutes for the new Gravatar to be synched.

Language - each user can select the language of their account. Currently, we support translations to English, French, German, Polish, Spanish, and Portuguese (Brazilian).

Theme - allows to set the dark mode, the modern mode (classic), and the higher contrast mode.

Distance unit - available only if the GPS module is enabled. This option allows defining whether the location report will show distance in Metric or Imperial units.

Additional email - each user can add one additional email address to receive TimeCamp notifications. The second email address also can be used to log in to the TimeCamp account.

External user ID - setting that only the Administrator can manage. Here you can assign a unique ID to each user from your team and it can be used in exported data to connect user account with information from other systems. In addition, the external user ID is available as a column/row in the Custom report.

Time Tracking permissions - settings that only the Administrator can modify. Users and Supervisors don't have access to this section. Here Administrator can manage such permissions as access to invoices and billing rates, tracking time to all projects, etc. Learn more

Vacation hours - here you can define how many vacation hours in the current year are available for a specific user to use. This option might be helpful In case your employees should use a different amount of vacation hours and the one common vacation hours setting in the Attendance module doesn't meet your requirements.

Time tracking reminder - options available only to Users. Administrators won't be able to manage these reminders for their teams. A reminder will appear in the left bottom corner of the TimeCamp website and will alarm users when they forget to start a timer or when it’s running for too long. Learn more 

Timesheets - options available only to Users. Administrators won't be able to manage these settings for their teams. It's the same options that are available on each user's timesheet. Here they can define whether to synchronize duration with the timeframes of their entries and whether to create a new entry or continue tracking to a previous one. Learn more

Live chat window - each user can turn on or hide the chat window that appears in the bottom-right corner.

Email notifications - various email reminders regarding time summary, budget, and approvals feature. Notifications can be managed both by User and Administrator. Learn more

API Token - can be used to export data from TimeCamp to your own software as well as to create your own integration. You can read our documentation and instructions here.