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“Synchronise timeframe with duration”

On the right-hand side above the time panel, you can find some additional Timesheet settings. Just click on the “3 vertical dots” button:

One of these options is Synchronise timeframe with duration. By default “Synchronise timeframe with duration when editing time entry” is turned on. It means that the duration time will be automatically adjusted while editing the timeframes of entry


We've prepared a few examples to explain how this setting affects editing your time entries.

Let's create a time entry from 10:00 am to 11:00 am and the duration is 1 hour. Now we would like to change the start time to 9:00 am and keep the end time unchanged. If the “Synchronize timeframe with duration” is turned on, the duration of this entry will be automatically increased to 2 hours. If the setting is turned off the duration time will stay the same and will be 1 hour. 

The same way it works if you would like to change the duration time. Let's try with our previous entry from 10:00 am to 11:00 am and the duration time of 1 hour. We would like to increase the duration time to 2 hours. If the “Synchronize timeframe with duration” is turned on, the start and end time will be automatically adjusted to the duration time so the end time will be changed to 12:00 pm. If the setting is turned off the start and end times will stay the same and will be 10:00 am - 11:00 am. 

If you would like to merge entries this setting must be turned off, as timeframes and duration time will not match.

How to use this setting?

The setting "Synchronise timeframe with duration when editing time entry" works in two ways:

  • The turned-on setting helps to automatically match timeframes and the duration time of your entry while tracking and modifying entries at the same time
  • The turned-off setting helps to easily and faster edit and check the correctness of the Timesheet

This option may be useful if you would like to avoid creating a lot of entries to the same task within a day and would like to continue tracking time to the same task after a pause.

Options from the When timer is started for existing time entry section allow you to decide whether entries regarding the same task during a specific day should be automatically joined or left separate. To modify this option you need to turn off the  “Synchronize timeframe with duration when editing time entry” feature first.

The option  Create new time entry and start timer means that each time you continue tracking time to the already existing entry a new entry with the same task will be created. It will look like the following: existing entry → click the start button to continue tracking → a new entry with the same task is created.

The option Modify time in the existing entry means that when you continue tracking time to the already existing entry it will be extended and continued until the current timestamp. As a result, empty spaces in the timesheet will be removed.