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User Statistics

The User Statistics tab is located under the Computer Activities reports on the left side menu:


Only the Administrator of the account has access to the User statistics section.

This report shows the login statistics of all users who joined the account. Here you'll find information about the desktop app version and the last time of sync between the desktop app and web account. This section also shows if the desktop app was installed on users' computers.

If the user didn’t install the application there will be red text “None” and “Never” under the version and sync time columns. 

If the installed version of the desktop app is out of date, you’ll see the red sign next to the app version. 

Last login time refers to the last desktop app login date and no.of logins refers to how many times this user logged in to the web account.

Last login to the desktop app:

No. of logins to the web app:


If the list of users is too long you can just use the search box and find someone by name or email address.