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Sites and Apps

The Sites and Apps tab is located under the Computer Activities reports on the left side menu:


In the Sites and Apps section, you can check the names of websites and applications that you’ve visited. You can use a Date range or People filters for a better search.

Administrators and Supervisors are able to view registered activities for users who they manage.

 On the graph, you can see activities from the highest to the lowest amount of time that was registered during the selected period. You can also download this report in XLS format.


 If you’re looking for some specific activity you can also select the option to show only websites, applications, non-categorized, etc., or simply use the search box.


Activity categories

Each activity is assigned to a specific category which is defined as productive, neutral, or distractive. 

We don't provide an option to set your own categories but you can easily change it to one of the predefined categories.

The productivity of a category can be changed only in the Categories report.

As a User, you can send a request to change the category of activity. Click on the category next to the activity and select another category from the list. The request will be automatically sent to the manager (Supervisor and Administrator) and it can be accepted or rejected.

If your role is Supervisor or Administrator you can change the category without sending a request. The category will be updated immediately.


Hourly report

To view the hourly detailed report of a specific activity just click on it and the graph will present the time gathered for this activity at particular hours of the workday.

By clicking on a bar corresponding to a particular hour or day, you will be redirected to the detailed view in which activities are listed second by second.

The Skipped row refers to the period of time when no activity was registered. 

Remove activities

Activities can be removed only within the Sites and Apps section in the Computer Activities module.

To remove activities you need to have the Administrator's privileges or certain settings should be adjusted to allow removing activities. If the option to delete activities is not available for you please contact the Administrator of your account.

Step 1

First, select a date range and user from the filters, and next click on the activity you would like to delete. 


Step 2

You will be redirected to an hourly view of this activity where you can use an option to delete all activity data for the selected date range. This option will remove selected activity from the entire day


Step 3

If you would like to remove this activity only for a specific moment during your workday, click on the hour from the graph. Mark the checkboxes next to activities you would like to remove from the list and click on the Delete Selected button.

Once an activity is removed the data can’t be restored.

If you're trying to remove unassigned computer activities visible on your Timesheet from the past but can't find the Computer Activities section on the left side menu please make sure that the Computer Activities module is enabled in Add-ons (Account Settings). If not, please enable it, as it is the only way to remove activities from your Timesheet. You can disable it again after clearing all activities.