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Desktop App

Desktop app basics

The desktop app allows tracking computer time and activities and time spent on projects and tasks. The desktop app can be installed on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Tracking computer data

Here we prepared a few scenarios of what data can be tracked and how to configure proper settings.

Automatic time tracking

If you want to forget about manually switching tasks throughout the day, you can opt for automatic time tracking. All you need is to install a TimeCamp desktop application and set keywords for your tasks.


TimeCamp will start tracking time on a specific project/task each time it will be able to detect the assigned keywords in the application’s name or window title, as well as in URL addresses.

Remote desktop (VDI)

TimeCamp desktop app can be used to track time on remote desktops. If you or your employees connect to virtual machines it is possible to register such connections and computer usage from a remote location.

Diagnosing the desktop app

If you are sure that your desktop application is not working properly and have excluded possibilities such as a poor internet connection or lack of the necessary permissions to track time in the project you want, continue reading this article!

How to uninstall the desktop app?

To be able to uninstall TimeCamp from your computer, there is one important, obligatory thing that should be done at the beginning – closing the TimeCamp Desktop Application.