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Remote desktop (VDI)

TimeCamp desktop app can be used to track time on remote desktops. If you or your employees connect to virtual machines it is possible to register such connections and computer usage from a remote location.

There are 3 scenarios of how activities could be registered while connecting to a remote desktop:

  • Desktop app is installed only on the main workstation

If desktop app is installed only on user's main workstation then it will only register the name of application used for remote connection. It means that the Activities report will not contain information about websites and applications that were used on a remote desktop.

  • Desktop app  is installed only on the remote workstation

If desktop app is installed only on the remote workstation then it will only register the names of websites and applications that were used on this remote desktop.  It means that the Activities report will not contain information about computer usage from the main workstation and will not contain information about a remote connection.

  • Desktop app  is installed both on the main and remote workstations

If desktop app is installed on both workstations it will gather detailed data about computer usage for time spent on the remote desktop as well as time spent on the main workstation.

This way, the desktop app will track time and activities on both workstations simultaneously. By default, this would result in doubling data. The Activities report will show 2 hours of registered activities within 1 actual hour (1h being the "connection" itself, while the other hour would be detailed computer usage).

To avoid doubling data we prepared a setting Dismiss computer activities overlapping other computer activities that are already logged in Computer Activities settings. This option won't allow registering 2 activities at the same time. 

Example: If one computer responded with activity and registered its timestamp at 12:00 - 12:05 and the other computer responded with activity and registered its timestamp at 12:03 - 12:08, then this second synchronization will remove the time timestamp of 12:03 - 12:05 because it is overlapping our first activity. As a result, the Activities report will show 2 different activities, the first one registered at 12:00 - 12:05 and the second one registered at 12:05 - 12:08. 

Desktop app not only should be installed on workstations but the same user should be logged in to their TimeCamp account.