Instead of using the default rates, you can create specific individual rates for your Users or Projects. This option will be helpful if you work on multiple tasks and bill your clients or employees differently.
Specific billing rates are available in the Ultimate plan. Only the Administrator of the account can access the Billing rates tab.
By going to the Billing Rates module on the left side menu and opening the Specific Rates tab, you’ll be able to set up individual values for created rates for specific groups, users, or projects.
You can set three types of rates:
- For specific users/ groups
- For specific projects
- For specific users in specific projects only
It is not possible to set a monthly rate per User or per Project. All rates are defined per hour.
If no value is set for a specific billing rate, the default rate will apply (available to set in general billing settings).
Billing rates for Users&Groups
In the Users & Groups tab, you’ll be able to set up rates for a specific group (or subgroup), as well as a separate rate for the specific user.
If no value is selected for s specific user, they will inherit the value from the group’s setting. Inherited values are greyed-out, while individual rates look a bit sharper.
Billing rates for Projects
You can also set up individual rates for the specific project. This can be done under the Projects & Users in projects tab. Of course, each subtask can have its own rate as well.
By default, subtasks inherit values from their parent task. Inherited values are greyed-out, while individual rates look a bit sharper.
If no rates are selected for projects or subtasks, they will inherit the Users & Groups rates.
Billing rates for Users in Projects
To set up a rate for a specific user in a specific project, stay on the Projects & Users in projects tab. Click on the name of the project you wish to edit rates for. A new table will appear at the bottom. Here you can set up individual rates for users within the selected project or subtask.
Please be noted that rates set for users in projects will be also applied to all subtasks of the edited project. Inherited values are greyed-out, while individual rates look a bit sharper.
Example of a project:
Example of a subtask:
Only users assigned to this specific project or subtask will appear on the list.
If no rates are selected for Users in projects, they will inherit the Projects rates. If no rates are selected for projects or subtasks, they will inherit the Users & Groups rates.
Table at the top will show the name of the project we opened. If we opened a subtask, it would also show us the parent task so we'll see the exact structure of the selected task. Table at the bottom will show the list of users assigned to this project/subtask.
To navigate back to the list of all your projects within the "Projects & Users in projects" tab click on the Back to projects list button :
Which rate will be counted?
EXAMPLE: Which rate will be counted if different rates are set for an individual user, for a project, and for a user in this project?
The rates will be counted as in the examples below NO MATTER how high or low values are set:
If the individual rate for a user is 50$/h, the project rate is 70$/h, then the project rate will be counted for this User.
If the individual rate for a user is 50$/h but the rate for this user in a specific project is 30$/h, then the rate in the project will be counted in the reports.
If the individual rate for a user is 50$/h, the rate for a project is 70$/h and the rate for the user in this project is set as 30$/h, then the most specific type of rate for a User in this project will be counted in the reports.
As you can see the most specific rate is counted as the main value. So if you use only Users' rates without specifying them in projects, you can keep the Projects' rates empty.