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Creating an invoice

After your account is set up in the Invoicing settings you can easily create an invoice. We prepared two types of invoices: 

  • based on tracked time
  • empty template where you can input your own values. 

To create an invoice navigate to the Invoices module on the left side menu and click on the green button New invoice.  Next, select a type of you invoice you would like to continue with.

Creating an invoice based on project hours

If you’re looking for a quick way to invoice your tracked time this option will be a good solution. 

Please note that you can only invoice specific time entries once.

When you go to the Invoice panel, click on the New Invoice button and choose the Based on project hours method. The window for setting filters will appear:

Step 1

Select a task or a few tasks you want to invoice your customers for. You can add them one by one. Note that if the system finds any billable time the preview will automatically update below the form. Optionally you can also filter time by tags.

Step 2

Adjust the timeframe of tracked hours that have to be invoiced.

Step 3

Choose how to group time and present it on the invoice. You can choose from 8 options – people, tasks, projects, time entries, tasks&people, tags, tasks&tags, projects&tags.

  • Grouping by People will create an invoice where each employee’s individual time will be inserted as a separate row;

  • Grouping by Tasks will create an invoice where each selected task or all tasks within a selected project will be inserted as a separate row on the invoice;

  • Grouping by Projects will create an invoice where each selected project will be inserted in a separate row. Remember to treat tasks as children to projects. If you choose to invoice multiple tasks from the same project, they’ll be summarized in one row;

  • Grouping by time entries will allow you to create the most detailed invoice. Each task will be divided into entries gathered from specific people. This way you’ll easily be able to represent who spent how much time on which task and also adjust the hourly rate for each entry;

  • Grouping by task and people will create an invoice where each selected task will be separated in a row and divided into tracked time from specific people;

  • Grouping by tags will create an invoice where time tracked to selected tasks will be inserted as a separate row summarized and assigned to tags;

  • Grouping by tasks and tags will create an invoice where each selected task or all tasks within a selected project will be inserted as a separate row on the invoice and gathered by assigned tags;

  • Grouping by projects and tags will create an invoice where each selected project will be inserted in a separate row and gathered by assigned tags. If you choose multiple tasks from the same project, they’ll be summarized in one row;

After going through the wizard click on the green Create based on time button and proceed with finishing your invoice.

Optionally if you use the Expenses feature you can include billable expenses to your invoice. Learn more

You’ll need to select the Client you want to create an invoice for and enter the Invoice Number. Next, you can edit hour rates for each invoiced entry and select a proper tax for it. 

Optionally you can add other products and services to your invoice, fill in the note field, change the issue date and add a PO number.

When finished, click on the  Save invoice. If you integrated your account with Xero or Quickbooks an additional option to export the invoice to your Xero or Quickbooks account will appear.

When an invoice is saved you can download it as a PDF file or send it by email.

Creating an invoice from an empty template

A new invoice created from an empty template can be easily modified and adjusted to your needs. When you go to the Invoice panel, click on the New Invoice button and choose the Empty method. 

Let’s review how to fill up the template step by step:

The first part contains billing information that is required. Here you can choose a Client from your list or create a new one. 

Next, input an invoice number,  select a currency, and choose an issue date.

The next part is the description of your services and products. There is no need to keep both positions so if you wish to add only one you can simply delete the other with a “trash" icon. 

Here you can input the name of your product/service and optionally a description of it. Next, input a rate for this position and how many hours you spent working on it and finally select a tax from the already created list.

If any required field is left empty the invoice won’t be saved and those fields will be framed with a red line.

When finished, click on the  Save invoice. If you integrated your account with Xero or Quickbooks an additional option to export the invoice to your Xero or Quickbooks account will appear.

When an invoice is saved you can download it as a PDF file or send it by email.

Invoice status

All created invoices will be presented on the list in the Invoice module. You can filter them by issued month and year or just view them all by choosing “all months/years” from the filter menu. You can also group them ascending or descending by issue date or status, simply click on this value.

As you can see next to every invoice there is a status. There are 3 types of statuses:

  • Draft - created invoice but not sent yet. 
  • Pending - sent invoices but not paid yet
  • Paid - invoices with a completed payment

If you connected your PayPal account in settings and clients will use this method to pay for an invoice, the status will be automatically changed from Pending to Paid.

If you manually send invoices and use another payment method, the status also has to be adjusted manually. Just click on it and select the right status from the menu: