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Week timesheet

Timesheet is one of the main sections in TimeCamp where you can track time to your projects, create and edit time entries and optionally add notes or tags for better categorizing. We prepared 3 types of timesheets: day, week, and calendar.

Timesheet is available for all subscription plans and all account roles.

The Week timesheet is a textual version where you can quickly fill in Timesheet with tasks and their duration time within the week. Week timesheet is a great solution for those who don't require to specify the exact start and end time of their working day and only counts the general duration time of each task they were working on.

Add task and time

Start timer button is not available in a Week view. It is possible only to manually add time to tasks.

To fill in your time through the week, start with selecting a task. Click on Select project and task and choose one from the task picker.

After a task is selected you can optionally add tags and decide if time should be billable. Simply click on the "No tag" button or on the selected task to open its edit panel and next choose tags from the list and switch the billable status. 

If time for a task is billable, a "dollar" icon will be visible in the Billable column. If no icon appears in this column then time for this task is defined as unbillable.

After the task is assigned continue inputting the number of hours you work on this task on each day within the selected week. Click on the field under a particular day and manually input time or choose a predefined value from the dropdown list.

Optionally you can add a note to a time entry. Click on the "3 vertical dots" button next to the inputted time value and type a note in the details window.

Repeat these steps for each task you'd like to add to your timesheet. When your Timesheet is filled in you'll notice the Total column on the right-hand side of the table and the Total row at the bottom of the table.

"Total" column on the right shows the total amount of hours tracked on each task within the selected week.

"Total" row at the bottom shows the total amount of hours tracked for each day within the selected week.

If you would like to fill in your Timesheet for the past or future days, use the Date range filter to select the week you'd like to edit.

If you navigate to Day or Calendar view the inputted duration will be counted from 8 am on each day.  Time 8 am is set as the default start of the working day and it can't be changed. 

If you have entries with the same task that differ only by one thing, e.g. tags or billable status they will appear in different rows.

Timesheet options

Week timesheet contains a few additional functionalities which will help to check the details of time entries.

On the top part, the Administrator of account has access to the People picker, which allows to choose a user from their team and view their Timesheet. Time Tracking Administrator also has the ability to edit other users' timesheets.

If you hover your mouse on a particular field and click on a "3 vertical dots" button a few additional options will appear:

  1. Shows if task is billable. Handy if you want to invoice tracked time later.

  2. Opens time entry history. Learn more

  3. Shows the report to all-time tracked on this task. Learn more

  4. Shows number of time entries within the selected day and its timeframes;

  5. Shows if a note is added;

You can also change the assigned task, add tags or modify the billable status of your entries at any time. To edit the raw click on the currently assigned task to open an editor panel and next choose a different task from your list. Optionally, you can add or remove tags and change the billable status of entries assigned to this task. After applying changes don't forget to click on the Save button.

A newly added option is to copy the entire week of entries. Here's how it works:

  • If you open a current week you'll find a "Copy last week" button in the bottom right corner.  Click on this button and choose the "Only tasks" option. The entire list of tasks will be copied from the previous week so next you can just fill in the hours;
  • If you open a previous or future week you'll find a "Copy this week" button in the bottom right corner. Click on this button and choose the "Only tasks" option. The entire list of tasks will be copied to the current week so next you can just click on the "Return to this week" option and fill in the hours;

You can only copy tasks into the current week. There is no option to copy tasks into any other week.

Copying time entries with "Tasks and time" option will be added shortly.

To delete a particular time simply click on its' field and erase the inputted number of hours or set it to 0h 00m.

To delete the entire task with all its inputted time hover your mouse on a specific raw and click on the red "trash" icon.

If you'd like to hide the Week view from your Timesheet please navigate to the Time Tracking settings and remove the checkbox next to the Week Timesheet view. This way the Week view will be hidden for all users on your account.