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  1. Desktop app basics

    TimeCamp desktop application will give you the ability to do three following things: track computer usage - monitor time spent on the computer and generate multiple reports about your computer usage (such as applications usage,  visited web...
  2. Timesheet

    Day timesheet Day timesheet is a textual version where you can find detailed information about time entries. Calendar timesheet Calendar timesheet is a graphical view that remains a calendar board. It allows you to quickly and easily add time...
  3. Keywords

    TimeCamp allows its users to track time on projects/tasks automatically, based on the keywords. TimeCamp will start tracking time on a specific project/task each time it will be able to detect the assigned keywords in the application’s name or ...
  4. Getting Started Guide

    This checklist covers everything you need to successfully get started with the TimeCamp time tracker. Detailed instructions and advanced capabilities are covered in separate articles. Links to them can be found in the guide below but you can ...
  5. Projects

    Projects basics Projects in TimeCamp have a tree structure, they contain lists of tasks. You can use a project for a larger goal and a task for an action someone in your team needs to take in order to achieve that goal. Roles in projects Apar...
  6. Reports

    Reports Basics The TimeCamp Reporting module allows you to generate summaries from data gathered in our system. We prepared multiple types of reports and filters which should help to get all the information you need. Time reports Time repor...
  7. Team

    Users In the Users section, you can manage your coworkers’ accounts. You can invite new users, set their roles on the account, and define special tracking permissions. Groups TimeCamp allows you to recreate your company’s structure. Groups ar...
  8. Automatic time tracking

    If you want to forget about manually switching tasks throughout the day, you can opt for automatic time tracking. All you need is to install a TimeCamp desktop application and set keywords for your tasks. Automatic time tracking mode is a...
  9. Timesheet approvals

    Approvals - basics Timesheet approvals is a module that allows administrators and supervisors, or time-tracking administrators to approve or reject timesheets submitted by their teams for approval. Approval period The Approval period defines ...
  10. Diagnosing the desktop app

    If you are sure that your desktop application is not working properly and have excluded possibilities such as a poor internet connection or lack of the necessary permissions to track time in the project you want, continue reading this article! ...