In TimeCamp, projects are groups of tasks. From a technical point of view, there are not many differences between projects and tasks. For example, you can create a project named after your client, to which you will later add multiple subtasks converting your business relations.
Projects in TimeCamp have a tree structure, they contain lists of tasks. You can use a project for a larger goal and a task for an action someone in your team needs to take in order to achieve that goal. You can create an unlimited tree structure that will contain projects with multiple tasks and subtasks which can have even 3/4/5.. levels of items.
Limits of adding projects in certain subscription plans
Free plan: unlimited number of projects (level 1). No tasks or subtasks;
Starter plan: unlimited number of projects (level 1) and tasks (level 2). No subtasks;
Premium and Ultimate plans: unlimited number of projects, tasks, and subtasks on all levels.
You can find the Projects section on the left side menu. The bar above your projects, where you have added your projects, is also a search box, where you can search for specific projects. Next to it, you have filters, an icon with two arrows that can collapse or hide all tasks, an Archived button that shows only archived projects, and a three-dot icon that allows you to import the list of projects.
Create projects
You can create projects and tasks from two places on the website:
Projects - go to the Projects tab on the left-side menu, then click the New Project button. Name the project and save it by clicking the Create New Project button.
To add a task or subtask click or hover the mouse cursor on the target project and click on the "plus" button. Next, input its name in the Edit panel and save changes.
Example of adding a project:
Example of adding a task:
Timesheet - go to your Timesheet on the left-side menu and click on Select task and project box. Next, click the plus icon and decide whether you want to add a task to an existing project or create a new one.
You can also Import your tasks from a CSV file or import them by enabling the integration.
Edit projects
After the list of projects and tasks is created you can edit its details at any time. To do that click on the name of a specific task and the Edit panel will be opened on the right-hand side.
The edit panel is available only to Project Managers and users with certain time-tracking permissions. Learn more
Here you can find the following options:
- Change name - click on the field with its current name and input a new one;
- Assign users - users will be able to track time on a specific task only if they are assigned to this task. You can assign a particular user or the entire group. Next, you can choose a role for each assigned user. Learn more;
- Add description - optionally you can add a short description to each task;
- Set budget - create a budget by assigning an estimated fee or estimated hours. Learn more;
- Define if time should be billable by default - if the option "Time from this task is billable by default" is turned on, all time entries assigned to this task will be automatically marked as billable. Learn more;
- Assign tags - assign specific tags or the entire list of tags to each task. Optionally you can define selected tags as mandatory. Learn more;
- Enable keywords - keywords are specific words that you can assign to tasks. Keywords are required if you decide to switch to an automatic time tracking mode in the TimeCamp desktop app. As soon as the desktop app recognizes a keyword in the title of a document or in the URL address of the website, it will automatically start tracking time on the task. Learn more;
After changing anything in the Edit panel, please don't forget to Save it.
Currently, we don't provide a bulk edit option in the Projects module.
Learn more about an automatic time tracking mode from this article.
Manage projects
Hover your mouse on the name of the target project or task. You will see a bar with the following options:
- Add task - it allows you to add a task to a project or a subtask to a task;
- Time report - it shows you the report for the project from the beginning of it. Learn more;
- ‘…’ A view more actions icon - such as changing the color, moving the task to a different project, deleting or archiving the task, and more;
- Start timer button - starts tracking time for the selected task;
Let's go through all of the available options under the "..." icon:
- Change color – each project and task can have its own color for a more transparent view. Learn more;
- Clone – a useful option if you need more projects with the same structure. Remember to change the name of the cloned project to always track time and view reports correctly;
- Delete – select this option if you no longer need a certain project. Remember, that once you delete a project you will lose all tracked time, assigned to this project and it is not possible to restore deleted items;
- Move – you can move task to a different project (along with its tracked hours) or move time from one project to another one. Learn more;
- Archive – select this option to move task to the archived list. It allows to save the already tracked time and to reactivate this task in the future. You still will be able to view time of archived tasks in the reports. Learn more;