Updated Articles

  1. Account Owner

    There is only one Account Owner and all data legally belongs to this person. Only the account owner can transfer ownership of the account to another person or delete the account . The difference between Administrator and Account Owner is...
  2. Email notifications

    We've prepared a few email notifications that each user can enable or disable in their profile settings . Users can decide whether they prefer to receive certain reminders or if they wish to turn off some of these notifications. Users can...
  3. Archived tasks

    You can delete or archive tasks at any time. By deleting the task you’re completely erasing all the data gathered for the specific assignment. Archiving tasks allows you to keep the history of tracked time and you can still generate r...
  4. Reports Basics

    The TimeCamp Reporting module allows you to generate summaries from data gathered in our system. We prepared multiple types of reports and filters which should help to get all the information you need. Reports are available in all subscription ...
  5. Time reports

    Time reports will help you to get the most accurate, summarized, and detailed information about time tracked on all your projects. There are 4 types of time reports: Summary Detailed By days Pivot Table Each report can be exported ...
  6. Real-time dashboard

    The real-time dashboard allows supervise your staff activity in real time. The real-time dashboard is available only in the Ultimate plan. Only Time Tracking Administrators have access to the real-time dashboard. This report includes 4 dif...
  7. Billing Basics

    TimeCamp’s Billing add-on allows you to easily track your project’s budget and margin. You can create various income/cost rates and assign them to specific projects or users. Then simply track time on your tasks and generate reports...
  8. How to define specific billing rates?

    Instead of using the default rates , you can create specific individual rates for your Users or Projects .  This option will be helpful if you work on multiple tasks and bill your clients or employees differently. Specific billing ra...
  9. Billable and non-billable time

    Tracked time in TimeCamp can be defined as billable or non-billable. The difference between these two types is that billable time can be easily added to the Invoice. If time is non-billable it won’t be possible to invoice this time. Als...
  10. Projects basics

    In TimeCamp, projects are groups of tasks . From a technical point of view, there are not many differences between projects and tasks. For example, you can create a project named after your client, to which you will later add multiple subtasks...